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Werner Paddles Surge lightweight white water kayaking paddle

Werner Surge

Werner Surge

Modern Offset White Water Kayak Paddles

Perfect for strong paddlers, looking to deliver the utmost power and also offering a consistent catch on the water as possible. Its testing has been by some of the best white water paddlers in the world, with the feedback of its offset blade to shaft design providing increased power as it encourages a positive vertical paddle stroke at every entry. Great for those must make crosses or just nailing that boof stroke time after time.

For those looking for the same offset design, but with a smaller blade surface area for increased power the Werner Strike’s might be worth looking at.

We normally carry the standard Surge’s Right-handed on a 45 Degree shaft. However it is available in a number of customisations, cranked or straight shaft, Right or Left handed, from un-feathered to 90 degrees. As well as two and four piece splits. Please contact us for lead-times and pricing on any variation on the Werner Surge you are looking for.


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